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CREATE your Backyard Life - "CORRECTLY"


Help & Support from DESIGN to BUILD

Do it Right 

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Why it Matters?

There are Costly Mistakes around Every Corner. Find out how to Avoid them.

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What our Members are Saying.....


Doug - Indiana

"Joining this Community was a No Brainer for me" - "its going to make sure I don't miss anything and that I don't make mistakes"!


Tim - Germany

"The Membership is great" - "everyone respects the work and effort of others - there's a lot of cool stuff going on"


Why did I develop this membership?

I LOVE being a part of creating a Space where families and friends can come together and build memories around. I tell people all the time that creating a "True" Backyard "Living" Space will change their lives. 

I started Designing and Building True Backyard Living Spaces in 1995. I have enjoyed helping 10's of 1000's of people from all over the world created amazing Backyards to enjoy with the ones they love. 

My wife and I have raised our family around our Backyard Living Space and have Countless Meaningful Memories with our family, extended family and Friends.

I am on a mission to help as many people as possible experience how creating a True Backyard Living Space can Change their lives! 

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We will Guide you through the

Building Blocks for Success


Important First Steps

Quick walk Around our Interface & Critical First Steps


The Foundation Items that EVERYTHING will be Built on


Step by Step on how to Design your Backyard Living Space - Correctly


The in's and out's of how to Build your Backyard Living Space or how to hire someone properly


Decorating breathes life into a space. It is more than just aesthetics; it's about creating a space that works for you and your lifestyle.


Your Backyard is not complete until your First Celebration! Just wait until you see what we have planned for your first Backyard party!

Follow our Success Path

Expert Advice and Community Support with every Step you Take


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Member Benefits 

There are countless reasons to join our community but here are just a few: 

Expert Guidance and Support....

By joining our membership site, you will gain access to a wealth of knowledge from experienced professionals and fellow members. This expert guidance will help you transform your backyard into a comfortable and functional living space, tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

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Live Calls with Micah....

Get direct answers to your Questions LIVE with Micah. We have LIVE Q & A's at least Monthly. SO MUCH fun and Very Educational. 

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Discounts & Special Offers

Members enjoy exclusive discounts and special offers from us and our partners, including savings on outdoor furniture, Hardscaping Materials, and other backyard essentials. These cost-saving benefits alone make our Backyard Community a NO-BRAINER

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Ongoing Inspiration and Updates....

Our membership site will continuously be updated with fresh ideas, trends, and innovations in backyard living. This will ensure that our members stay inspired and have access to the latest techniques and products to make their Outdoor Living Space a truly unique and enjoyable retreat.

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Community and Networking

As part of our membership site, homeowners will become part of a thriving community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for backyard living spaces. Members can collaborate on projects, share ideas, and learn from each other's experiences, fostering a supportive and engaging environment.

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Exclusive Resources and Tutorials

Our members will have access to a vast library of exclusive resources, including step-by-step tutorials, design templates, and Backyard Living Space tips. These resources will simplify the process of creating a backyard oasis and ensure a successful outcome.

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True Backyard Living is as Easy as 1, 2, 3 ...

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Click the link to see if the Doors to our membership are currently open. 

Follow the "Get Started" Guide 

We will guide you as you take your first steps in our community and in your Backyard Living Space. Don't worry you will LOVE this journey  

Engage, Learn, and Build your Dream Backyard

Follow our Proven Success Path to your Dream Backyard and have fun doing it. 

Join our Community

What are Members are saying-

Thank you -  My Fantastic Experience with the Backyard Living Space Membership Site!

As a homeowner, I was initially unsure of how to go about creating a backyard living space that would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. However, since joining the Backyard Living Space membership site, I can confidently say that it was one of the best decisions I've made!

From the moment I joined the community membership site, I felt welcomed and supported by fellow homeowners and experienced professionals. I quickly realized that I wasn't alone in my quest to create the perfect outdoor oasis.

One of my favorite features of the membership site was the easy-to-follow tutorials and guides. They made the learning process a breeze, and I felt confident in my ability to transform my backyard into the haven I've always dreamt of. The Q & A sessions were incredibly helpful, as I could ask specific questions and receive prompt, expert advice.

Connecting with people from around the world who were also creating their backyard living spaces was an invaluable experience. It was fascinating to learn about different design ideas, cultural influences, and shared challenges. I've made lasting friendships through this platform and plan to keep in touch through dedicated chat groups. We've even discussed organizing online get-togethers to share our progress and brainstorm ways to create lasting memories in our new backyard living spaces.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with my experience on the Backyard Living Space membership site. I highly recommend it to any homeowner looking to embark on a similar journey. The wealth of knowledge, support, and camaraderie is truly unmatched!

Thank you again for everything - Kim 


Typical Pricing

If purchased 1 at a time

  • Average Design Price $2-5k
  • 1:1 with Micah- $495
  • 1:1 with Team Member $395
  • Design Course $195
  • Average Cost of Mistake $3000

Average Total 

$7,000 to $10,000

Membership Experience

Member Exclusive

  • Expert Advise
  • Group Meetings with Micah
  • Group Meetings with Team
  • Module 1 - Getting Started
  • Module 2 - Vison
  • Module 3 - Design
  • Module 4 - Build 
  • Module 5 - Decorate
  • Module 6 - Celebrate
  • Monthly Live Q&A's 
  • Community Support
  • Lot's of other surprises

Price $44.00 (month)